Department of PEACE - an important tool to have in the foreign
policy toolbox!
in an historic citizen lobbying effort to create a U.S. Department
of Peace (HR 1673), sponsored in the House of Representatives
by Congressman Dennis Kucinich. This bill establishes nonviolence
as an organizing principle of American society, providing the
U.S. President with an array of peace-building policy options
for domestic and international use.
marching through the streets was to the Sixties, walking
through the halls of Congress is now."
~Marianne Williamson
as the passage of the thirteenth amendment abolishing slavery
took years to pass; just as the nineteenth amendment providing
women's suffrage took years to pass; just as the Civil Rights
legislation of the 1960's took years to pass, this legislation
provides substance and meaning to the political yearnings of
our generation. It systematically applies the power of peace
to the eradication of root causes of violence.

Mahatma Gandhi in London 1931
embracing Blue.