We Barking Up The Wrong Tree?
Coastal Pine, Cedar, Birch, Alder, Redwood, Live Oak, Boxwood,
Bristlecone, Elderberry, Holly Oak, Pinyon Pine, Juniper, Dogwood,
Mangrove, Magnolia, Douglas Fir, Persimon, Manzanita, Azelea,
Rhododendrum, Huckleberry, Locust, Chestnut, Beech, Willow,
Buckeye, Hydrangea, Hickory, Walnut, Sassafras, Laurel, Poplar,
Mahogony, Ash, Lilac, Sycamore, Plum, Cherry, Pear, Apple, Orange,
Almond, Tangerine, Corktree, Cottonwood, Aspen, Bitter Nightshade,
Sweetleaf, Elm, Sugarberry, Dogwood, American Beautyberry, Gingko,
Larch, Spruce, Fir, Hemlock, Bay, Nutmeg, Sequoia .... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!
tree is the right tree?
Well it's a common question that many of us
dogs ask. But the fact is that very often we ARE barking up
the wrong tree. It may seem ironic, but the right tree to bark
up is the Dogwood Tree. All other trees will induce unfavorable
results. NOTE: It is important to remember
NOT to urinate on a dogwood tree unless you first eat a bowl
of asparagus.

Woody Guthrie with Lefty Lou with special guest whistler Blue.
as through this world I ramble
I see lots of funny men
Some will rob you with a Six gun
And some with a fountain pen.
~ Woody Guthrie
can bark back!
Many dogs find this so annoying. However, some of us avoid
this mocking response altogether and resort to WHISTLING!
Squirrels lack the relaxed lips required to whistle that us
dogs have! Try it... it's fun!